No matter where you want your new piercing, it's important to do your part in having a successful and enjoyable piercing experience. So, since the piercing professional does the actual work, what can you do to help them help you? Here are a few things to consider before, during, and after your piercing appointment.
A piercing is a commitment, so the best approach is to talk with a professional well in advance of the procedure. They can guide you in choosing the right location and type of piercing to fit your goals and lifestyle. For instance, they'll help you assess how different piercings will look with the anatomy of your ear or other body part. They'll also provide several care tips.
The day before your piercing, plan to do some self-care. Clean the affected areas completely. Eat properly and hydrate well. Make sure you schedule an appointment when you are healthy. Being under the weather can prevent you from enjoying the experience and makes the body work harder to heal. If you may get nauseous during the procedure, avoid eating too little or too much within a few hours of the piercing.
Don't schedule your piercing when you're in a rush or are already feeling emotional about other things. You want to have time to talk with the piercing professional and keep your mind calm for the procedure. Ask them what to expect so you worry about fewer surprises. Many people like to bring a friend for moral support, especially if it's their first time or they are squeamish. However, avoid alcohol as this can damage blood clotting.
Wear comfortable clothing and keep it away from the new piercing. Pull back your hair if the piercing will be close to it. There may sometimes be a little bit of blood from the puncture, so don't wear any clothing or jewelry you aren't willing to risk a little staining on. But most importantly, try to relax. Embrace this unique experience and the reasons you're having it done.
Your biggest job after any piercing is to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the piercing professional. Specific details may vary based on their experience and the type of piercing you received. You will need to care for the piercing diligently for several weeks, so plan ahead to ensure you have the time and supplies needed to follow the instructions every day.
In general, instructions will include keeping the piercing clean by washing it daily with soap and water or another product (such as mouthwash for oral piercings). Don't go in the swimming pool, hot tub, or other submerged water source. Leave the stud or jewelry in place for as long as recommended. And fight the urge to play or fiddle with it. This may be the biggest challenge, but moving it around too much can slow down healing.
Finally, monitor the piercing's condition. Modern technology allows for safe, hygienic, and uncomplicated piercings. However, some people could experience side effects like unexpected allergies to the materials or infection around the open wound. If you have any concerns about redness, swelling, discharges, or other health worries, talk to your doctor.
Do you want more tips for preparing for, experiencing, and following up on your new piercing? Meet with the team at Studio 28. Our piercing artists have years of experience working with many different clients, a range of piercing styles, and all types of concerns about the process. Call today to learn more about what to expect or get help choosing the right piercing for you.
Sun - Sat 1:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Sundays and Mondays Closed for Tattoo Services
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Piercings: Mon-Sun 1:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Tattoos: Tues-Sat 1:30 pm - 7:30 pm